
Here you can find additional programmes with which you can receive support for your voluntary return and reintegration if you live in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Since 2005, the "Landesinitiative Rückkehr Rheinland-Pfalz" supports people to return voluntarily to their country of origin. The state of Rhineland-Palatinate places the focus on enabling people to return with dignity through this program. The federal initiative always takes into account the needs of every individual case.

In addition to the existing support option via the "REAG/GARP" program, the federal initiative of Rhineland-Palatinate offers further individual support, such as: reintegration assistance, medicine supply in the country of origin, interpreting services, but also start-up assistance and much more.

If you live in the Rhineland-Palatinate, an in-person and free-of-charge IOM counselling is available to you; appointments and information at +49 6232 100 1000 or by e-mail: iomdeberatung-rlp@iom.int. If required, together with you, the respective counselling centre will develop an individual proposed solution for you.